Satellite Internet

 Satellite Internet


In a world that relays on fiber or DSL internet connection a new technology for providing internet comes out to make a huge hub in the world especially for remote areas and poorer places , This new technology will blow your mind ones you understand how it works and the benefits associated with it so stick around .!!


 What is satellite internet ?

Satellite internet is a new technology that were first lanched by HugestNet ,it uses radio waves to connect with your satellite and provides you with internet from space it can reach over 100 Mpbs speed.

But how can we get internet from space, is it reliable? what are the advantages and disadvantages ?

 It Works by using radio waves to communicate with satellite orbiting the earth,Data is sent and received by a communicational network starts from your device and travels through your  modem and satellite dish placed at your roof then this data transfers to the geostationary satellite in space then back to network operations center or (  NOC) and all the way back through this network to finally deliver data or internet signal  to your device

this signal travels approximately 22000 miles back and forth to reach you in only portion of seconds

A geostationary satellite is an Earth-orbiting satellite placed at an altitude of approximately 22,300 miles or 35,800 kilometers directly above the equator. These satellites revolve in the same direction the Earth rotates -- west to east.

The term geostationary comes from the fact that the satellite appears nearly stationary in the sky to a ground-based observer. These satellites complete one orbit in about 24 hours, which is the same amount of time it takes for the Earth to rotate once on its axis. The satellite appears to be stationary from the perspective of someone on the ground, as it moves in sync with the Earth's rotation and that’s why it can provide internet day and night!.   


Is satellite internet reliable?

Satellite internet is reliable most of the time, Heavy rain can interfere with a satellite signal so satellite internet sometimes goes out during storms.

 The advanteges:

 1- Available from virtually anywhere

2- Satellite internet: faster, more profitable, and eco-friendly

  3-  Good choice for people in rural areas where they don’t have DSL or                      cable internet


  1.  Latency especially for gamers

  2. Satellite Internet Data Limits and Restrictions
  3.      Effected by wether changes


Companies thar supports satellite internet

  1. Spacex – starlenk internet
  2. Amazone-kuiper
  3. HughesNet
  4. Viasta and many more…



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